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Bitzer DB topic: Bitzer states ” Let us regard rhetorical situation as a natural context of persons, events, objects, relations, and an exigence which strongly invites utterance; this invited utterance participates naturally in the situation, is in many instances necessary to the completion of situational activity, and by means of its participation with situation obtains its meaning and its rhetorical character” (5).  With this in mind, examine your own social media feeds (or examine a news media post) and identify and explain what the rhetorical situation is of a chosen short social media post or news post (please include the post in your post).  Integrate a quote (cited properly according to MLA conventions) from Bitzer to further support your four-five sentence post identifying the rhetorical situation of a social media post.  


Synthesize DB topic: Post one of your body paragraphs (from your EE draft) that shows your attempts (highlighted — like this) to synthesize information for the EE by Friday, midnight.



Freud’s dreamwork DB topic: Using the elements of Freud’s dreamwork write 1-2, formal and academically sound paragraphs discussing where you see the elements and how that affects your overall interpretation of the poem. You must include all elements of the dreamwork (Manifest content, latent content, condensation, and displacement.

Experiences with peer review: After reading and watching this week’s assigned materials, please explain in three to five sentences why peer review is so important for “knowledge-making”…Then, please respond to one other student’s post (by Sunday, midnight) by recalling and explaining a personal experience that made you rethink a written piece because of a peer’s comment or feedback. This response also needs to be three to five sentences long.