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9/13/21 Topic: What is your biggest weakness in your current essay draft, what problems are you having.

     Well when it comes to this essay, I’m having a lot of trouble with my conclusions. I didn’t even write a conclusion because I just didn’t know where or how to start honestly. I don’t want to sound repetitive so that’s the main reason why I’m having trouble. I want my conclusion to be a smooth rap up for this essay. Another problem I’m having is I feel like my transitions between sentences may not be the best and I’m just trying to find a way to be better when it comes to this. That way my paragraph sounds “clean” and flows smoothly. I do however really like the way I connected my evidence between the readings which made my writing a lot stronger. While I was writing my essay I made sure not to repeat too many of the same words, and I would switch the words with other words/phrases to make my sentences structured better. I do want to look over my thesis statement because I feel like I can make it better than what it is.



10/6/21 Topic: Why did you choose the story you chose for your EE essay?

  For my Exploratory Essay, I chose A Rose for Emily because the story stuck out to me, a lot more than “A Country Doctor”. Both are very interesting readings however I really liked the twist at the end of A Rose for Emily, as well as how the story is told. Emily’s life isn’t the most flashy and she shows weird behavior throughout the story; which I could connect to Freud’s concepts. The story also allows the reader to really visualize what is going on because of the narrator’s explanations, and the sick twist at the end really makes you go “wait what?!”. (Update I chose ” A Country Doctor” for this essay because after reading it multiple times and understanding the meaning of it I really wanted to talk about it in my essay. It was twisted, dark, and Franz Kafka was great at symbolizing “ideas” through figures and the characters he made).